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CRS and FATCA Self-Certification Form- Individual


Land Bank of Taiwan Checking Deposit Agreement (Version code: 2024-03-01-00M)

Land Bank of Taiwan Checking Deposit Agreement

Application for Report-for-loss for Registered Seal and Replacement into a New Registered Seal

印鑑掛失止付暨更換新印鑑申請書Application for Report-for-loss for Registered Seal and Replacement into a New Registered Seal.pdf

Land Bank of Taiwan Deposit Application and Agreement [2024-03-01-00M Ver.]

Land Bank of Taiwan Deposit Application and Agreement 2024-03-01-00M.pdf

CRS Self-Certification Form- Entity

FATCA 及 CRS 自我聲明書【非自然人】

The Depositor's Replacement of Registered Specimen Seal / Name of account holder / The Representative's Application

存戶更換印鑑戶名代表人申請書The Depositor's Replacement Application.pdf

Application for Password in Withdrawal

取款暗碼申請書(存0139新)(108.12版) Application for Password in Withdrawal.pdf

Application for Report-for-loss of Voucher or Passbook and Stop from Payment and re-issuance

單摺掛失止付暨補發申請書Application for Report-for-loss.pdf

Application for Opening an Account and a Change in the Fundamental Particulars

For Deposit business / Gold Passbook business / Bank safety deposit box business
帳戶開戶暨基本資料異動申請書(自然人適用)112.01版.pdf 帳戶開戶暨基本資料異動申請書(非自然人適用)110.12版.pdf

Application for Statement(s) of Deposit Balance / Deposit Amount Certificate and Transaction Details

存款餘額存額證明暨交易明細申請書(存0008)(108.12版)Application for Statement.pdf